Hi, hey, hello! 👋
Welcome to So Relatable, a newsletter about creative projects, big goals, and delicious snacks. In each issue you’ll find conversations about the creative process, updates on my writing projects, ideas for nourishing yourself, and a few great links to keep you inspired. Subscribe now, and every other Sunday a fresh letter will land in your inbox:
Why should I subscribe?
Think of this newsletter as an intimate and supportive community for writers and other creatives. You might find it valuable if:
You’re a busy person who has dreams of a thriving creative life, but can’t find the time to focus on your craft.
You have ambitious goals for your writing or art, and need strategies to help make your personal projects a priority.
You’re searching for motivation and guidance to improve your craft, develop your skills, and become a better writer or artist.
You love reading about the creative process, including routines, habits, systems, and how other people make things.
You’re curious about writing and publishing, and appreciate the insights of someone who is on the same journey.
You like when people overshare on the Internet.
You enjoy a good snack.
If you reply to a newsletter I will write back, so don’t be afraid to say hello and let me know how you found your way here. The internet is a mysterious place, and it’s always wonderful to meet a new friend.
Who writes this thing?
I’m Chrissy Hennessey, an enthusiastic snacker and native New Yorker living in coastal North Carolina, where I stayed after earning my MFA from UNCW in 2014. My writing has appeared in Joyland, Flyway, Heavy Feather Review, storySouth, and Ploughshares, among others, and I’ve received fellowships to the Weymouth Center, the Vermont Studio Center, and Aspen Summer Words. I’ve written three novels and a short story collection, and have yet to publish any of them! But I keep trying, and that’s what counts.
Needless to say, I’m not a full time writer and I don’t make a living from my creative endeavors. Instead, I work full time at a fintech company, where I use my writing and leadership skills as a marketing and communications manager. I never pictured myself in corporate America (I always assumed I’d be a starving artist) but what can I say? I like my job, I like my colleagues, and health insurance is pretty great. Plus, I’ve learned that a career outside of my creative pursuits is actually quite freeing. It allows me to write what I want, rather than what will feed me.
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Thank you for being here. It’s an honor to have you!