Hello Chrissy, I found my way here after very much appreciating your post in the aftermath of the elections - it was so poignant and beautifully written! Love this post too - the way you break down your goals is helpful, and your more/less list is inspiring and lovely to look at! It inspires me to finish mine!
Love all of this, especially your More/Less list, which was so satisfying to look at. Happy New Year, Chrissy!
Thanks so much! I'm going to read it every day and hope it sticks!
Agree on the more/less list - now I want to 'draw' my own!
If you do, please share it with me!
Hello Chrissy, I found my way here after very much appreciating your post in the aftermath of the elections - it was so poignant and beautifully written! Love this post too - the way you break down your goals is helpful, and your more/less list is inspiring and lovely to look at! It inspires me to finish mine!
VERY satisfying More/Less List!
Thanks! It was satisfying to draw!
All in for more vanity.
Let us accept our inherent hotness! Embrace the not-so-humble brag! Shake what you got! Life is short!