We always need reminders to be patient! Thank you for that. I hope you have a great break away from revising. That's when the magic happens!

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Thanks, Hurley! I hope you're right about the magic.

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Fellow North Carolinian here! Could you share where you signed up for the vaccine leftover list? I signed up for the Dr. B list but if there's NC specific one I'd love to sign up for that one too.

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Hi Lauren! I've used two methods that worked, neither of which are especially official as far as I can tell. First I called the pharmacy of a specific Walgreens in my town and asked to be put on the leftover list. Apparently every pharmacy is different - even every Walgreens is different! - and I heard this specific one had a list. After about two weeks, they called me and said they had a leftover dose, and if I could get there within two hours, I could have it. I'm not sure where you live, but I would start by calling your local pharmacies and asking if they have a list.

However! I turned the Walgreens dose down because both my husband and I had appointments for the next day at a StarMed popup clinic location an hour away, which I was able to reserve a few days in advance using a link a friend texted me. StarMed also has an option for waitlists, though I was able to get an appointment immediately, even after I checked the box that said I was in Group 5. It seems every pharmacy/clinic has a different system, which definitely doesn't make things easy. I hope that's helpful and that you're able to get a vaccine soon!

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