thanks for your thoughts on that article! I did not read it because I found the title and concept irritating--why apply that kind of scarcity mindset and scoring to friendship, of all things? and I hope you love The Husbands--I really liked it!

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I read the article mostly for the ~drama~ but it ended up sparking some interesting thoughts and also a whole newsletter. :) And I LOVE The Husbands. So many fun twists! The multiverse plot line is really having a moment.

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I loved reading the article and totally agree about The Husbands! The multiverse plot line is so intriguing.

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Love this! And I too have no kids and faraway family... and have been somewhat of a gypsy in own life. So yes to medium friends! And this ...

"Who we are, what we need, how we show up—all of it changes, all the time. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to meet my friends again and again, to love both who we were and who we’re becoming. "

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